The Recovering Slob

Hi. My name is Kierstin and I’m a recovering slob. I burst into adulthood messy, unskilled, and tenacious. I married the love of my life ten years ago today and laugh at what that poor man must have been thinking in those early days.

My good, kind mountain man. The one who can survive in the woods, cook up an incredible meal with wild game and home grown produce. The hardest working man I know.

I’ve grown a lot in these last 10 years. I’ve discovered passions I never would have known had it not been for him. I too can whip up a delicious meal from wild game and home grown produce. I can take something that I grew with my own hands and make it shelf stable to enjoy all year long.

But I couldn’t always do that. In those early days of wedded bliss, I couldn’t even boil an egg properly. Forget baking.

This is a cake I made once. It was burnt but also a smidge moist…I don’t know what to tell you.

My point is, I was less than adequate in the kitchen. If I couldn’t buy it pre-made from a grocery store, there was a solid chance I was going to make it wrong.

I remember one particularly tragic week where I found pork chops on sale. I’ll spare you the long list of failed meals I put together from that. I will just say that my husband was a trooper that week and we still remember it almost 10 years later.

Despite my lack of skills, I desperately wanted to know my way around the kitchen in a big way. I dreamed of making my own bread. I wanted to make good meals from scratch. I wanted it so bad. That earnest desire would expand to growing my own food. To being conscious of where our meat comes from and respecting the wild game that comes into my hands. It grew into a dream of sustainable farming. And it started with a desire to know how to cook.

My very first successful loaf of sourdough bread after many, MANY failures.

I tell you all of this because I want you to know that anyone can learn these skills! You can learn your way around the kitchen. Whether you just want to have some good homemade meals from scratch in your arsenal, or you want to get your hands in the dirt and grow your food from seed to sitting in a mason jar in your pantry. This is a learning and sharing space.

As I reminisce on these last 10 years one thing is certain, if I can do it, anyone can. I cannot wait to invite you to our table and share what I’ve learned.

3 responses to “The Recovering Slob”

  1. I love this! Thanks for sharing!♥️

  2. I love this! I’m look forward to learning and growing too…And I’m 58…it’s never too late!😊

  3. This is great and so relatable.